Dear Sir or Madam,

Billionaire Numbers is going to provide aid for charity, in overall social dimension, by supporting humanitarian and protective activities rendered via Polish Catholic church missions located in the territory of African states.

We do trust that because of your participation resulting in the purchase of services - included in the range of the proposed offer - we will be able to contribute to the improvement of welfare conditions of local communities.

By earmarking a portion of proceeds from the company’s operations for this purpose, we will contribute to aid on our own behalf as well as on the behalf of the community of users.

Dear Users,

The beginning of 2022 has put all of us to an exceptional test by unveiling the tragic face of war in Ukraine to the world.

Therefore, we express our readiness to allocate a portion of funds originating from the company’s proceeds. This is how we want to support corrective attempts, by counteracting the consequences of ravages of war caused by the thuggish assault of Russia - disseminating death and destruction.

Today within the territory of the state located in the central part of the Eastern Europe heavy fights are being held which result in the immensity of losses caused to the community infrastructure environment. In numerous places in Ukraine, civilians were deprived of some elementary grounds for existence.

We may not surrender... in view of attempts to enslave the nation of Ukraine! Every single gesture of good weakens the machinery of criminal tyranny contributing to a faster end of the suffering of innocent citizens.